One Lovely Blog Award

Wowee wow wow. I am so honored to be nominated for the One Lovely Blog Award, by the gracious and talented Kim over at Learn to Love Food! Kim is a speech-language pathologist specializing in pediatric feeding therapy. I’m beyond flattered by her mention because I have been admiring her site for some time, and find it an inspiring resource not only as a mommy of a picky eater, but a fellow blogger. As a rec. therapist, I appreciate Kim’s creative approach to issues with feeding and picky eaters. She is definitely putting the fun in functional 😉 Her ideas are great not only for getting kids comfortable with the sensory experience of eating, but also encouraging kids to get more involved in the kitchen. Plus who doesn’t love a giraffe-shaped gingerbread cookie?!

When I first began this blog about 6 months ago, I did not imagine the incredibly kind community of other writers I would come in contact with. I love all the inspiration and positivity that I’ve been experiencing, and I’m having a great time sharing and reading ideas of like-minded individuals (i.e. folks who love food, flavor, and living their best, healthiest life). Below are the guidelines/rules for The One Lovely Blog Award.

1. Thank and link back to the person who nominated you (mention your nominator in your own award post with a link back to their original award post, which would be this one).
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Nominate 15 other bloggers and comment on their blogs (usually on their about page or contact directly if necessary) to let them know.

This part is always the toughest for me! Here are 7 facts about yours truly, that you might not know…

1. I’m a country girl at heart. Not the cowboy hat/boot-scooting boogie variety, but the open-spaces and nature loving, slow-paced seeking type. I grew up on a country road, in a big farmhouse, where the nearest neighbor was a quarter mile away. I loved being a kid in the country… lots of bike riding, exploring the woods, and pretending to be a biologist/animal rescue person with all the various critters.

2. When I was little I wanted to be Jane Goodall, and study chimpanzees in the wild. Actually, she is still one of my heroes. I also wanted to be a paranormal investigator and catch a ghost on film (this was circa 1990, back before reality tv shows made it “cool”… yup, I was a weird kid).

3. When I finally did go to school, I hoped to become a dietitian and studied human nutrition for some time before eventually deciding to change course and pursue a broader degree in health sciences. (Later I went back for therapeutic recreation) Healthy eating is still my passion, though, and sometimes I wish I would’ve stuck it out and got that dietetics degree. Maybe one day…

4. Because of all the college hopping I did throughout my education, my family and friends jokingly refer to me as the “expert” on colleges and universities in our state (c’mon there were only 4!).

5. I love my family! My parents are my biggest heroes and my go-to’s for advice, wisdom, and support. I am so grateful and fortunate, really words cannot express it. I have two older sisters, who I consider my best friends, and 6 amazing nieces and nephews that are growing up to be such fine young ladies and gents. Now that I’m married, I’m lucky to have even more family, and my in-laws are some of the coolest and kindest people I’ve ever met. Yay for family!

6. When I was younger I despised coconut, cilantro, and eggplant. Now I love all of these things and use them regularly when I cook! Tastes really can change over the years.

7. Ever since I can remember, I’ve loved a good scary movie (see #2). Not the gory and gross slasher movies, but a nice jump-out-of-your-seat/pee your pants thriller. My husband and I are always trying to find a good spooky flick. Any recommendations?

Ok, so now that you’ve heard 7 rare and random facts about me, I want to share my recommendations for the One Lovely Blog Award. It was extremely hard to choose just 15, as there are so many blogs that I admire out there. I strongly encourage you to head on over to their sites to check them out!

1. Cupcakes and Kale xoxo – Alex is a Certified Advanced Raw Food Educator and shares healthy and delicious recipes, presented in a way that is bright, fun, and bubbly. Her collard wraps look awesome!

2. A Vegan with a Plan – I’ve been following this blog for some time now and I’m always impressed with the variety of mouth-watering recipes Bekah posts. Everything from tofu bacon, to decadent cheesecakes. Also she is a fellow mommy of a two-year old little girl 🙂

3. A Colorful Palate – There is literally something for everyone here, whether your vegetarian (yummy chickpea meatballs), vegan (Mexican Potato Tacos, anyone?), or a meat or seafood eater. The common denominator? They are all healthy and full of veggies, and look absolutely scrumptious!

4. Zoe Eats Clean – Zoe and I have very similar tastes, it seems, because her recipes always look so darn good, and are the kinds of things I like to make… smoothies, oatmeal, raw bites and brownies, peanut butter cups, pizza… I could go on and on.

5. From Seed to Salad Bowl – I am so inspired by Maegan and her gorgeous photography, delicious vegan recipes, and her sustainable/self-sufficient approach to living. Her site is elegant, yet warmly rustic at the same time. Stunning!

6. Green Bee – I mentioned this site in my Earth Day post, as I feel it is one of the best blogs I’ve come across recently for eco-friendly tips. Aoibhinn’s creative ideas are such simple (yet often overlooked) ways to reduce waste, chemicals, and the use of natural resources in our daily lives. She also has the coolest eco-friendly house!

7. Heal Grow Blossom – Sarah is a Vegan Lifestyle Coach and Educator and a Vegan Chef who makes living cruelty-free (whether it’s what to wear, eat, or use on your skin/in the home) feel totally doable. Her recipes are brilliant (Hello! Vegan Chef!), and her blog is a great resource for all things vegan.

8. Home of the Compassionate Tummies – First, I just love that blog name! Celeste is clearly passionate about her family and vegan cooking and I’m always drawn to her seriously yummy and kid friendly animal-free recipes (i.e. Not-So-Chicken Nuggets).

9. Be Sol-ful – Another fellow mommy blogger I admire, Mandy features fabulous interviews with other bloggers, words of wisdom (I especially like her Love, Strength, and Learning, and Kindness Matters posts), and delectable recipes (she has a few different sauce recipes I’m dying to try!).

10. Pamplemousse – I just adore this blog and the kind lady behind it! She posts the most delicious recipes, with flavors and combinations that are right up my alley! Cherry ice cream, cucumber noodle salad, fudge squares.. oh my! She also leaves the most thoughtful and friendly comments!

11. Marleylouis – Although I just discovered her site the other day, Elizabeth’s colorful and gorgeous creations made a quick impression. Her smoothies, smoothie bowls, and vegan meals are works of art! Seriously, her smoothies are dazzling! Talk about a beautiful way to start the day.

12. Fresh Vibes Only – this blog lives up to it’s name! Beautiful, color-drenched photos highlight healthy plant-based recipes (many raw), travel, and daily reflections.

13.  She Well – I love Rebecca’s philosophy on food and disease prevention, and all of the great information on her site. She covers everything from natural skin care to vegan swaps to healthy sweeteners to weight loss.

14. Coco Looks 4 Inspiration – Need some salad, smoothie, main dish, or healthy dessert inspiration? You will find it here! This blog has such a positive vibe and I really enjoy browsing the recipes. Just as the tagline states, it is “An Inspirational Blog for Living Mindfully and Healthfully.”

15. Although new to the scene, I want to nominate both The Simple Skinny and Oh My Goodness Vegan, because they already have such fabulous blogs, only a month (or less) in. These are some up and coming blogs to watch! I am intrigued by The Simple Skinny’s Raw Kimpab and Coconut Cauliflower Green Onion pancakes, and Oh My Goodness Vegan’s Vegan Egg Mayo and Cress Sandwiches. Yum and YUM.

Definitely drop by these lovely blogs and check them out! So much talent and inspiration. Wishing you all a happy and healthy day!

10 thoughts on “One Lovely Blog Award

  1. Be Sol-Ful says:

    Thank you so much! ❤
    I've not only been introduced to so many new blogs, but I've also learned a bit about you!! I'm looking forward to catching up on your blog!!


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